Review: Kinglabel August Reading experience share


At 5 pm on August 5th, all members of the Kinglabel Administrative Office and officials from various departments gathered on the 4th floor of Building A's office building to hold a unique and tea party style reading experience sharing meeting. With a relaxed mood, let's speak freely and share the reading experiences and excerpts from the book "Kazuo Inamori's Last Battle".




At the book sharing meeting, every employee from the administrative department presented their insights from different levels and perspectives, either eloquently or passionately. It brings endless aftertaste and benefits a lot.






At the sharing meeting, not only were the reading experiences of administrative staff shared, but also excerpts from various department cadres shared. The excerpt comes from the wonderful sentences excerpted by all members of the administrative department while reading the book "Kazuo Inamori's Last Battle".




As the chairman said, the greatest power in the world is the power of knowledge. Only with abundant spirit can one work happily.

Let's read together and strive together!

Let's take reading and learning as a life attitude, a work responsibility, and a spiritual pursuit, and constantly draw nourishment from books.

Let's take the "Book Sharing Conference" as a new cultivation and sowing, allowing the strong fragrance of books to permeate the entire Kinglabel family.

Selected Experience:

Mr. Inamori said, 'Don't lie, become an upright person; don't be greedy, don't cause trouble to others, and be kind to others. These are all the principles that our parents and teachers taught us when we were young. As long as we follow these' natural principles', we can continuously improve ourselves. '. Simple principle - putting company honor first; The correct direction of thinking - not damaging the company's interests; At present, I am diligent in my work - doing every job well in my position.

In Mr. Inamori's final battle, there was a broadening and improvement of human nature, broadening our horizons and hearts. We all exist in an ordinary job position, which may seem unremarkable. However, to be someone who is not willing to be ordinary, the first step is to be someone who is willing to be ordinary and willing to work tirelessly in ordinary work, down-to-earth and practical. Through continuous reflection in work, we can improve our work style and even change our personality. Perhaps We are not smart enough and our abilities are not strong enough, but as long as we have motivation, our dreams can be realized. If we don't work hard, we will eventually be submerged in mediocrity. I remember Mr. Inamori's words: "Those hardworking fools are so cute, I like those hardworking fools.

There is only one goal for team members, to be spontaneous or combustible. Don't be non combustible. With an altruistic mindset, when you see a colleague facing difficulties, you can take the initiative to help them, and everything is goal oriented. Communication is important, whether it is reporting directly to superiors or subordinates or communicating horizontally among colleagues.

After reading Mr. Inamori's book, the most profound thing is: why don't you put in more effort before complaining about your misfortune? It's absolutely not allowed to say you can't do it, and it's absolutely not allowed to surrender with a white flag. Our life only comes once, and only by being down-to-earth and fully committed to our current work is the most powerful way to improve ourselves. In our work, we can improve ourselves, constantly reflect on ourselves, and change our character through hard work Work is the way to hone one's mind.

Excerpts and sharing of cadres from various departments:

1. I never thought about whether I would fail. If I really had that negative mindset, then I'm afraid I would really suffer a defeat.

2. The most important aspect of human existence is not the quality of the mind, but the heart.

3. The desire to easily make big money and become famous is a selfish or evil idea. The noble idea of working tirelessly and focusing solely on serving others is called conscience.

4. The most important thing is that every employee should have an entrepreneurial consciousness and be a burning collective.

5. Why does income decrease? Why does the cost increase? There is a reason behind every number. If these reasons can be clarified, a solution can be developed for this.

6. When problems arise, do not blame your subordinates for mistakes, but take action, make decisions, and speak for yourself. My subordinates are gradually growing as they watch your actions, and this is leadership.

7. Show them, tell them, let them do it, praise them. Only in this way can action be taken.

8. Only by repeatedly considering and allowing the brain to naturally outline creative design diagrams in its mind, can a design succeed.

9. The goal of running a company is to provide material and spiritual well-being for all employees.

10. Cultivate the company as if it were your own child.